A few people have asked how they can donate to the Coelacanth project, which is immensely gratifying. I do it for the love of it, but in truth, financial support will help me find the time to work on it. So here goes:
Bitcoin donations:
Coelacanth donation
Paypal donations:
Not available yet…
Dear Ben Whitmore
Would you kindly tell me whether I have the latest version of Coelacanth: version 0.005 dated 2017
downloaded from http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/coelacanth because I could only find earlier versions elsewhere. If it is the latest, when might there be some updates? I would like to donate but cannot do so using bitcoin.
Many thanks, Anthony ab@abar.net
Hi Anthony, there is now a version 0.006. I’m releasing all versions at the Open Font Library. Development has been a bit slow and these are still pre-release versions, since there are still significant changes being made to glyph design and spacing (as well as other features), and there is still only one italic font in the family. I’m so glad that people are already getting value from this typeface though.