Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy: notes on the infamous German safety study

Many ozone therapy proponents cite a “German study” into the safety of the treatment, which showed an extremely low risk of side effects based on over 5.5 million treatments. In fact, this appears to be misleading, and serious side effects including deaths have occurred over the years. Apparent causes of death have been gas embolism …

Ozone therapy: notes on the infamous German safety study Read More »

Italian ozone therapy treatments: the question of ISS consent

The SIOOT, the organisation claiming great success in treating COVID-19 with ozone therapy, says it received consent from the Italian ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Higher Institute of Health), and made the letter it received available on its website as a PDF. However, the ISS has since stated that it did not give “consent” for …

Italian ozone therapy treatments: the question of ISS consent Read More »

COVID-19 Ozone Therapy notes

Many hospitals in Italy, Spain and China are now treating COVID-19 with reportedly “excellent”, “spectacular” results. Reports of these treatments appear in Italian and Spanish local news outlets but seem to be virtually unknown outside these regions. I’m trying to gather the information as it appears and collect it on this page, as well as …

COVID-19 Ozone Therapy notes Read More »